Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm Late For Tea!!!...and this Blog Entry :P

Sorry about being late with
this blog again.
I'm gonna blame it on the
S-S-S-S-Sinus Infection.

I must say those are NO fun
at all! Happy that its pretty
much gone now though :)

Aside from that my week was
pretty awesome! Who else
checked out Alice in Wonderland?
I thought the acting all around
was very impressive. Especially
from Helena Bonham Carter
and Johnny Depp. What did
you guys think? Also this week
The Latency was confirmed as the
opening act on the Western
portion of Faber Drive's Canadian
Tour which I am pretty stoked
about! You guys can see the dates

SO last blog I asked a question.
What is your favorite duet of all time?
And you guys responded which was
awesome! I saw A Whole New World
pop up a couple times and I have to say
great choice! That would be my 2nd
favorite! If you guys wanna know my
favorite its kinda of a double whammy.
This is my favorite duet as well as my
favorite live vocal performance of
all time.
The Prayer by Celine Dion/Andrea Bocelli me chills.

Which transitions nicely into my
rant for the week.

*Quick note: I mean no slight
to any artists by this*

Live Performances.

When did being able to perform
stop being a requirement if
you wanted to be a performer?

Can we go to that day and
stop it from happening?
I say all this strictly from a
consumer point of view!

But I watch so much live music
today where I find myself completely
dissapointed. Alot of singers can't
or don't really sing. Alot of bands
are completely sloppy. I realize
that its more about the entity these days.
It's more about seeing the person
as opposed to hearing the content.
But it makes me a tiny bit sad.

I wonder if this happens in other
professions? I don't watch alot of
Basketball but I wonder if theres
any players in the NBA that can't Basketball? Of course there
are some artists right now that are
phenomenal! I'm not applying this
to everyone. I just feel like the ratio
of artists that can recreate and artists
that just can't is turning around.

I'm not trying to be one of THOSE
guys. The cynics that knock every
musician thats not The Beatles.
Its not about the music. I LOVE
what we have in terms of Top 40
right now..the songs are killer.
All I'm saying is people whose profession
is singing..should be sing..
REALLY well.

That was all vented strictly from
a listeners perspective.

Well thats what I got this week.
maybe next week a more positive rant!

Okay guys have a great week!
