Friday, June 25, 2010

And So It Begins....

Hello Amigos,

I am sitting here..its about 2:30 am in Vancouver,
and I'm, as usual, doing way to much thinking.

I've been thinking about alot of things..I think
it's because I'm in writing mode. I am currently
faced with quite the overwhelming task..writing
a new album. I'm feeling a mix of excitement,
anticiaption, and nervousness all at once.

I'm excited. Excited because of a few things.
I'm getting closer to being finished which is
exciting. All these new songs I've written are
exactly the way I want them to be and are, I
believe, the most honest songs I've ever produced.

I'm feeling anticipation if for no other reason
than: I can't wait to hear this thing when its done.
More importantly I can't wait for YOU to hear this
thing. Which brings me to my last point.

I'm nervous. Nervous because I don't know what you
guys will think. I think for any artist the 2nd album
is always the hardest. Especially when your 2nd album
is different. Because the people that have the 1st
album will have an automatic expectation of what its
gonna sound like. Ultimately I'm 100% proud of it..
and its not even done yet haha. So hopefully you will
dig it as well. And if its not your cup of tea, that's
also cool :)

I've also been thinking, since we have all this time
to do this album I'd still like to keep you guys involved.
How would you like to see that happen? I was thinking of
maybe doing a Bi-Weekly Video Blog of my writing sessions,
demo tracking, and other stuff. What do you guys think?

Normally..this would be the part where I'd go on some
rant about life..instead I'm gonna share a clip that
has really inspired me over the last little while.
It was one of those moments where I saw this, and
immediately knew what I had to do haha. Hopefully
you can take something from this.



Kristina said...

I'm sure whatever you hand us next will be good, whether certain fans think so or not. Change can be something fun to explore, it's not always a negative, scary thing. The same over and over again can get kind of boring, really. Maybe you'll even catch the attention of people who could become new fans with something different.
It would be cool to be involved and see the process however you'll let us....whatever you give us would be fine with me. If that means posting video blogs once every 2 weeks or even once every month, that's cool. In the words of Johnny, do what you gotta do :P but I hope I'm not being too vague.
I can't wait to see what you come up with. And as long as you're proud of the final product...that's all anyone could ask for, really :)

Allison Ross said...

You're an artist Brandon. No matter what comes out of you and is represented through your music is something that will mean something to you. Emotions can't go wrong. You're talented and capable of making yourself proud, and isn't that what's important? :)
By the way, I'm freaking excited to hear all this.

jeessicaLynn said...

well Brando, don't really worry yourself. Just think of it this're doing what you absolutely love to do...and you're trying something new. Nobody is ever capable of guessing the outcome of change, sometimes its bad, and sometimes its good. But when you have amazing artists like you trying it out, im sure whether it not be the greatest album, its something that we're still all going to be proud of you for...but im sure that it's going to be great. Sometimes we like to hear what you can do, change up the songs a little, different meaning of your lyrics, its things like that that help us realize that you're inspiring and you can make us smile with anything you do. So, no worries, just be proud of what you've done, and what you will do in the future, cause i always am of you :)!
and sooo stoked for the new stuff, cannot wait!

Taylore Beechy said...

Heeey Brando! :D. Im so happy youre in writing mode that makes me smile. :) You have no idea how excited i am for the new album! Its awesome that youre getting closer to finishing it because that means im getting closer to hear it! :D. & Brandon, its normal for you to be nervous but DONT BE!!!!! Youre so amazing with everything you do, and the music you make is incredible. Taylor Swift said something like this, but im going to tell you what she said, "the more emotion i put into my songs, the easier the fans relate to them!" I hope that helps you because i know youre writing these songs with so much passion in you its awesome! <3 I know for a fact that i will 100% LOVE the album, & i know everyone else will! WE LOVE YOU, NEVER FORGET THAT! AND OH MY GOHS I WOULD LOVE IF YOU DID THE 'Bi-Weekly Video Blog'!!! That would be extremely awesome! & about the Johnny Depp thing, that really helped me at this point of my life where i am right now, the part when he said dont give a s*it what other people think, move forward! So thanks Brandon! :D <3
Love; Taylore <3 p.s I LOVE WHEN YOU BLOG! :D

chelsealouanne said...
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chelsealouanne said...

Hey Brandon! It's not Saturday yet! ;) haha, well it's great to hear from you and the update on the album so far!

You know..whatever you guys choose to do as a band, the fans will be behind you 100%! You'll never lose my support. The 3 songs I've already heard (Lovers Lane, Too Long & Pick Me Up) I already know all the lyrics to! haha they're amazing songs and I think everything from what I've heard couldn't be any more great than they already are! Actually, great is an understatement, haha.

I know you may be nervous to let the world hear the album, but as long as you are satisified with it, that's all that matters because it's honest and real, and as long as it's those things, you can't give the fans anything more than that. As long as you keep going, it'll be worth it! I know it. :)

I would LOVE the weekly blogs to keep us posted on the album. It would probably bring way too much excitement just warning you! haha. But I love sharing the excitement with bands as they go along.

Anyway, hope your summer is going great and keep up the writing! I can't wait to hear everything. <3

BRIEAHNA said...

It sounds like it's going to be great. Something different is always fantastic and I'm sure you'll make it just that - fantastic. Hope you're doing well and having fun with it all! As long as you're enjoying it, we all will too =)

Anonymous said...

I think that the video blog is a genius idea. It's a really good way to keep the fans in touch.

A Behniwal said...

Not going to lie, when artists say "different" it worries me. But in the end it always turns out great. The vlogs sound like a great idea. Sure there will always be people who won't like your work, but its completely you. You're devoted fans will trump the haters.

Anonymous said...

First off, that video is great. (:

Secondly, I think I can say this for all of us when i say that if we're fans, we should be open to change.
We don't necessarily have to love it, but we should all give it a try at least!
And that would be saweet if you guys guys showed us like you recording and stuff.
I think it would help everyone get more stoked!

I wish you guys good luck, and i'm sure it'll be great. <33

Alanah :) said...

Brandon, we will like anything you guys put out... Honestly, for me, it's not the sound of the music but more the lyrics that draw me to a song :) And for the video logs, I would love that more than anything on YouTube :) Can't wait to hear the new stuff!

Unknown said...

Brandon you`ll be great because you KNOW you will do great (gotta think positive!)

And when you`re done you`ll have many people who`ll support you and guide you on your journey...never fear!

Good luck and I can`t wait to see (or hear I guess) what you`ll give us in the future!